Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Felt Tree

It's been a while. I've been working on Christmas presents for my nephews, but I didn't take any pictures because I was working right up until we had to leave and forgot. I did make a second set for my own tiny ones that isn't quite done, so I'll post those later. Today's project is one that I think everyone on Pinterest has seen--a felt tree for toddlers. I don't think my version will keep them out of the real tree, but they've had fun playing with it so far. And since none of the Pinterest versions say how they got them to stay on the wall, I glued mine too a foam presentation board. 

Monday, November 2, 2015

Fall Jewelry

I bought these beads forever ago, but never got around to doing anything with them until I remembered them today. Specifically, I wanted to wear earrings made with these beads, but they didn't exist yet. Luckily both tiny people took a nap at the same time today (the ONLY good part of the Daylight Saving Time switch) so I got to make them.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Squish Bunny

A few weeks ago we were all having a terrible day. I was grumpy, so were the kids. We ran into Hobby Lobby to see if they had rib knit (they didn't. Only place in town that carries it is Walmart, and they have two colors). Instead, I found this fuzzy fake fur in the remnants bin. Since it produced the baby's first smile in hours, it had to come home with us. I had to finish Halloween first, but I did cheat and make the little lovey blanket first. This morning I sat down to work on the bunny a little. I quickly remembered what a pain this stuff is to work with and just powered on though until it was finished so I only had to pick fuzzies off my clothes and machine once. Now that the bunny is done, she's been carrying it around nonstop all morning. I think she likes it.

Baby Shoes

At my baby shower for my first daughter, someone gave me a pair of homemade baby shoes. Once she got a little bigger, I discovered they were the only shoes that would stay on her feet. I loved them. Now that I've discovered how to make my own, I like to give them as baby gifts too.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015


Halloween is done a full day before the first party. Well, the kids are done at least. I'm counting that as the same thing. Husband is on his own this year (which is actually his idea). We went with a superhero theme this year, which will surprise no one. Iron Man, Superman, Captain America, and Wonder Woman. I am most proud of the stripes on the Cap.  I had to do math! And then match the pocket too.

And now I can start Christmas sewing!

Monday, September 28, 2015

Vinyl and canvas sign

I can actually take very little credit for this one. I found the poem on Pinterest (changed it to be for a girl though). Someone else also figured out how to get vinyl to stick to canvas (Mod Podge). I just laid it out in Illustrator, had my shiny machine do the cutting, and attached the letters. But I really like it. Most days I need a reminder that this tiny phase will not last forever and that I'll probably miss it. 

Be Doo Be Doo Be Doo

The tiny one doesn't say much in the way of actual words, but she very often sounds like a minion. I looked all over town for blank yellow shirts, but no luck. So I made my own. And then her big sister needed one too.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Necklace Holder

So my necklaces have been getting out of hand for a few years, and with my recent jewelry kick it's gotten really bad. A pine plaque from Hobby Lobby, cup hooks from Home Depot, and a little paint later, I have a solution. The hooks are kind of close together, but I had drilled two holes before I figured that out. It still works though. 



Monday, September 7, 2015

New Shoes

What do you do when fall is coming and you need shoes for your little one to wear? 

A) Attempt to find the bag of shoes her big sister wore that is buried somewhere in the storage unit. 
B) Go shopping for a new pair. 
C) Try options A and B then give up in frustration and just make your own. 

Is anyone surprised I picked option C?

Friday, September 4, 2015

New Toy

So I never wanted a cutting machine. They were for scrapbookers, which I am not (don't have the patience for it). Occasionally I'd see projects on crafty blogs using vinyl, and I'd think "that could be fun but I don't need a cutting machine." A few months ago Matt started talking about a project he wanted to do that would really be easier with a machine. We did a little research. Turns out the new machines let you upload your own pictures and fonts. And then I found out you can cut leather and felt and fabric and all sorts of things that aren't scrapbook paper. So we bought a Cricut Explore and I've been having waaaay too much fun ever since it arrived last week. So many possibilities, so little nap time...

We named our truck Thor. He needed a hammer. 

(it's a pajama shirt. Get it?)

We even made stamps using craft foam. 

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Eyelet Dresses

I got the pink and green eyelet on clearance a while ago but I was waiting for summer to use it. Well, summer's almost over so I figured I'd better do something. I couldn't find an exact match for the lining, so I went with this option. I'm hoping they'll look coordinated but not too matching. 

Yet Another Necklace

Okay, this one I actually had to buy stuff for. But I really like how it turned out. 

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Summer Necklaces

So I have crafting ADD. And it's been a problem for years. So over time I've amassed quite a collection of bits and bobs. The awesome part is now when I see ideas on Pinterest, I often have 90% of the materials already. That was these necklaces. I bought the central circles, but I had all the beads already. Though I do think they'd look better on a skinny leather cord, which I did not have. Guess I'll have to go back to the craft store. 

Friday, August 7, 2015


So I got some fun new beads for my birthday (thanks Sue!) and so of course I had to start playing with them as soon as the tiny people were asleep. I made the turquoise one last night but then had a bunch more ideas so I got everything out again tonight. 

Saturday, August 1, 2015

What Time Is It?

Time to get a new clock. The small one has spent the last week asking when snack time is. Attempts to explain a real clock only get the question repeated 30 seconds later. I knew I had seen something clever on Pinterest, so I searched around and combined a few ideas to create this beauty. All of the activities are on magnets and can be switched around depending on what we're doing for the day. Let's see if it actually works. 

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

What I Did Today

(I ran out of elastic so these ones are mostly done)

I love pajama pants. Three seams, hem, and elastic casing. Takes 45 minutes. Also, not all of these are for me--I'm not that crazy. The top ones are for my sister. Skipping laundry folding to sew was totally worth it. 

Thursday, July 16, 2015

A Quick Project*

* or at least what should have been a quick project. The fabric doesn't really have a right side or a wrong side, so I accidentally sewed two left legs. And serged the seam, so double unpicking. And then I sewed a collar on inside out, also serged it. Matt said "well at least you're getting practice at unpicking!" Sadly, this is not something I need practice in. 

Summer Shirt for Me

This one turned out much better than the last one. I love the color and this shirt is definitely more my style. The color is off in this picture; it's more of that hot pink/coral color that is super popular right now. 

Pretty Blue Skirt

My mom was making herself a shirt from this blue gauze and had some left over. She told Kaylee maybe we could make her a skirt, and so the three year old logic led her to believe it had already happened. Lucky for her she's cute and it was easy. 

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Baby Sandals

I have been on a quest for a few months to make a baby sandal that would actually stay on my child's foot. I am happy to report that after several failed attempts, today I succeeded! I made a few modifications to a free pattern I found online. The timing is perfect because she's starting to walk and really ought to have something on her feet. 

Sad, sad failed attempts. 

Ooooooo, pretty. 

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Penny Keychain

I've seen these on Pinterest a few times, I just finally have all the tools to make my own now. I have one for my birth year (technically Matt's too), the year we got married, and the years the girls were born. 

And now I'm going to stop putting off cutting out the piece I forgot so I can finish the shirt I'm sewing for me. 

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Baby Doll Basket

I got the crazy idea to make this basket sometime last week. Making it was my reward for editing a report for my old job. The instructions are right; it really does take longer to cut everything out than to sew. Except maybe the blanket. But that was because I decided to hand quilt the flowers. Because I am crazy. Also, one of my best discoveries ever is that newborn onesies make excellent dolly dresses if you cut off the bottom and hem. 

Wednesday, June 17, 2015


A birthday present for the snuggle bug. My favorite part was that start to finish it took less time to make than Toy Story 2.

Sunday, June 14, 2015

They're multiplying like...

Matt says I have a problem. He might be right. But the girls love them, so I don't care. 

Jackalope, ninja bunny, yellow bunny

Friday, June 12, 2015

Sewing To-Do List

Because of the aforementioned crafting ADD,  I often make to do lists so I don't forget about ideas or get too sidetracked. It's so satisfying to check off boxes. 

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Summer shirt for me

So I'm still not sure about this one. I hated it when I finished last night, but thought washing it might help. It did a little. Maybe I'm just not the flowy top type. The sleeves are split down the center for extra fluttery-ness. 

Monday, June 8, 2015

More Metal Stamping

Not kidding about being slightly addicted. The keychain is for my Dr. Who obsessed husband. The necklace is the Little Dipper stamped using a nail.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Birthday Dress

I decided it was ridiculous to avoid finishing just because of the hem. So here it is. I did the flowers on the bodice by hand, then accidentally cut the thread holding it all together. The one on the far left is still wonky, but I'm hoping when it's on a cute baby no one will notice.