Wednesday, July 29, 2015

What I Did Today

(I ran out of elastic so these ones are mostly done)

I love pajama pants. Three seams, hem, and elastic casing. Takes 45 minutes. Also, not all of these are for me--I'm not that crazy. The top ones are for my sister. Skipping laundry folding to sew was totally worth it. 

Thursday, July 16, 2015

A Quick Project*

* or at least what should have been a quick project. The fabric doesn't really have a right side or a wrong side, so I accidentally sewed two left legs. And serged the seam, so double unpicking. And then I sewed a collar on inside out, also serged it. Matt said "well at least you're getting practice at unpicking!" Sadly, this is not something I need practice in. 

Summer Shirt for Me

This one turned out much better than the last one. I love the color and this shirt is definitely more my style. The color is off in this picture; it's more of that hot pink/coral color that is super popular right now. 

Pretty Blue Skirt

My mom was making herself a shirt from this blue gauze and had some left over. She told Kaylee maybe we could make her a skirt, and so the three year old logic led her to believe it had already happened. Lucky for her she's cute and it was easy. 

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Baby Sandals

I have been on a quest for a few months to make a baby sandal that would actually stay on my child's foot. I am happy to report that after several failed attempts, today I succeeded! I made a few modifications to a free pattern I found online. The timing is perfect because she's starting to walk and really ought to have something on her feet. 

Sad, sad failed attempts. 

Ooooooo, pretty. 

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Penny Keychain

I've seen these on Pinterest a few times, I just finally have all the tools to make my own now. I have one for my birth year (technically Matt's too), the year we got married, and the years the girls were born. 

And now I'm going to stop putting off cutting out the piece I forgot so I can finish the shirt I'm sewing for me.