Thursday, August 13, 2015

Eyelet Dresses

I got the pink and green eyelet on clearance a while ago but I was waiting for summer to use it. Well, summer's almost over so I figured I'd better do something. I couldn't find an exact match for the lining, so I went with this option. I'm hoping they'll look coordinated but not too matching. 

Yet Another Necklace

Okay, this one I actually had to buy stuff for. But I really like how it turned out. 

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Summer Necklaces

So I have crafting ADD. And it's been a problem for years. So over time I've amassed quite a collection of bits and bobs. The awesome part is now when I see ideas on Pinterest, I often have 90% of the materials already. That was these necklaces. I bought the central circles, but I had all the beads already. Though I do think they'd look better on a skinny leather cord, which I did not have. Guess I'll have to go back to the craft store. 

Friday, August 7, 2015


So I got some fun new beads for my birthday (thanks Sue!) and so of course I had to start playing with them as soon as the tiny people were asleep. I made the turquoise one last night but then had a bunch more ideas so I got everything out again tonight. 

Saturday, August 1, 2015

What Time Is It?

Time to get a new clock. The small one has spent the last week asking when snack time is. Attempts to explain a real clock only get the question repeated 30 seconds later. I knew I had seen something clever on Pinterest, so I searched around and combined a few ideas to create this beauty. All of the activities are on magnets and can be switched around depending on what we're doing for the day. Let's see if it actually works.