Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Squish Bunny

A few weeks ago we were all having a terrible day. I was grumpy, so were the kids. We ran into Hobby Lobby to see if they had rib knit (they didn't. Only place in town that carries it is Walmart, and they have two colors). Instead, I found this fuzzy fake fur in the remnants bin. Since it produced the baby's first smile in hours, it had to come home with us. I had to finish Halloween first, but I did cheat and make the little lovey blanket first. This morning I sat down to work on the bunny a little. I quickly remembered what a pain this stuff is to work with and just powered on though until it was finished so I only had to pick fuzzies off my clothes and machine once. Now that the bunny is done, she's been carrying it around nonstop all morning. I think she likes it.

Baby Shoes

At my baby shower for my first daughter, someone gave me a pair of homemade baby shoes. Once she got a little bigger, I discovered they were the only shoes that would stay on her feet. I loved them. Now that I've discovered how to make my own, I like to give them as baby gifts too.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015


Halloween is done a full day before the first party. Well, the kids are done at least. I'm counting that as the same thing. Husband is on his own this year (which is actually his idea). We went with a superhero theme this year, which will surprise no one. Iron Man, Superman, Captain America, and Wonder Woman. I am most proud of the stripes on the Cap.  I had to do math! And then match the pocket too.

And now I can start Christmas sewing!